Wednesday, January 2, 2013

2012 Shitty Moments Countdown

2013 is not going to have to work too hard to be better than 2012.  2012 was a year full of death, surgeries, stress, and tears.  I still have trouble believing all the shit that was packed into one year.  Enough shit that a manure spreader could have distributed it over at least 3 to 4 years.  The one positive I can share is that I kept my New Year's resolution for 2012!  I am starting 2013 at 25 pounds lighter than I was last year.  Yeah for me!  However, even that has to be credited to the shitstorm of 2012.  Here were the shitty highlights for 2012 (these are pretty much in a chronological order, not a degree of shittiness level):

2012's Top Shit Moments
  1. Knee surgery in February
  2. Friend's husband dies at 43 years of age
  3. Gallbladder symptoms and surgery to remove it
  4. Diagnosis of benign (but still needed to be removed) tumors on liver
  5. 55% of liver removed (not recommended, but very effective weight loss program)
  6. Two post-surgical drains being placed due to fluid collection in abdomen (I still have one)
  7. A friend's grandmother died
  8. Three neighbors from my childhood passed away
  9. Watching my best friend start her life over again with two children due to moment #2

So, 2013, I have really low standards for you (according to the Mayans, we weren't supposed to be here anyway).  All I'm asking for is that I stay out of the hospital, out of the funeral homes, and another 25 pound weight loss.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a year of hardships and heartaches. Hopefully the rota fortunae will take a turn for the better this year.
