Sunday, May 10, 2015

To my mommy, mom/mommy, mom, mom/friend

Everyone has a mother.  Don't get all technical or start talking about weird sea creatures that change gender to fertilize themselves. We all have a woman that carried us in her body until the time of our birth. I often say I forget that not all moms are like mine. Not only has she nurtured me and my three siblings and watched us grow, we have done the same with her. As an adult, you can turn around and look at your mom and see how she has changed throughout your life. She starts out as your mommy. She feeds you, dresses you, bathes you, changes your diaper, comforts you when you cry, and corrects you when you make mistakes. Before you know it, she's a mom/mommy whom has taught you to feed and dress yourself, tells you to go take a shower, hopes some of those corrections are leading you in the right way, and she still comforts you when you cry but is teaching you how to deal with life. Then, she is a mom. She hopes of you are eating healthy. She hopes your clothes are appropriate, tasteful, and that you look great in them. She no longer has to tell you to shower because you are a responsible adult that learned body odor gets you nowhere. Corrections give way to her being supportive of your decisions even when you can see on her face what she really thinks. She is still there to comfort you when you cry, but you don't always come to her first anymore. Then, you come to a point where she is still your mom, but now she is more a mom/friend. You take her to lunch. You compliment her outfits when she looks great. You never tell her to go wash up because she looks so put together. You give each other advice and value what the other thinks. Sometimes, you get to be the one that comforts her when she cries. Getting to that point in your life solidifies that she did her job, and she did it better than anyone could have done.

Happy Mother's Day to my mom, my sisters (who are also amazing moms), my friends (cool moms), and all the other positive, strong women in my life who treated me like they were my mom at some point in my life. I love you all so much.

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