Saturday, June 1, 2013

Racism - it's not just for breakfast anymore (Rated R for language and adult situations)

It takes a lot to shock me.  I've been around the block many, many times, but the human race seems to find a way to occasionally make me say, "What the Fuck?"  I was reading my morning cyber news while drinking a cup of coffee and eating my egg and cheese breakfast sandwich.  There is a story about a new television advertisement for Cheerios.  Cheerios is a part of nearly every one's childhood.  It was one of the most popular snacks for my children when the were toddlers.  Put some of those crunchy O's in a snack cup, and you have a happy toddler for any two-hour car ride.  I ate Cheerios for breakfast when I was a kid.  My mom even put them in her homemade Chex Party Mix (as I still do today).  What could anyone have against Cheerios?  Even the name sounds happy.  Well, as I said at the beginning of this post, here came my, "What the Fuck," moment.  Watch this commercial:

Are you wondering what all the fuss is about?  This commercial got so many hateful, racial posts on YouTube that they had to disable the comments area for this this clip.  Really?  Really?!  There is an adorable, articulate child in a lovely home with both her parents discussing healthy nutrition, and this beautiful example of a loving family was turned into a platform to rant about the evils of interracial relationships.  Well, now I am turning it into my platform to rant about acceptance and tolerance and love.
I applaud the General Mills company (who makes those tasty O's) because they have no intention of pulling the commercial from their advertising rotation.  I hope they push the envelope and have a little boy talking to his, "two moms," over a bowl of Cheerios.  Maybe they will have a black man and a white man feeding Cheerios to their adopted Chinese daughter.   I hope more companies take a broader look at examples of, "normal family life."  People need to remember that just because it's not your normal doesn't make it wrong.  I know their are people out there that are already quoting Bible verses to make their point.  I know Catholics usually do not quote Scripture, but here is Matthew 22:35-40:

  • 35 One of them, an expert in the law, tested him with this question: 36 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”
    37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’[a] 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[b] 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

Time is sometimes the only tool that can teach tolerance.  The unfortunate side to that is that it does not happen quickly.  It is a terribly slow procedure that usually takes generations to learn.  How can you speed up the process?  Start with yourself.  Allow your heart to accept differences in others, and the next generation will do the same at a much faster pace.  Be aware of what your are against, and make sure you are disagreeing with someone for the correct reason.  My example of this goes back over 20 years ago.  Back when we were much younger, a friend of mine, who I had known since kindergarten, started dating guys of a different race.  Her parents were totally against it, and she expressed to me how much this upset her.  I told her I did not care whom she dated, but I was not going to support her dating anyone who treated her like shit.  She was choosing guys with no jobs, no cars, and no respect for her.  Who cared what color their skin was??  She was being used and hurt.  I had friends who dated guys the same ethnicity as them, and when those guys were acting like douche bags, they got the same advice from me:  If that man has no future, no respect, and no responsibility for his actions, he does not deserve a place in your life. 

There are all sorts of different Cheerios:  original, honey nut, peanut butter, apple cinnamon, banana nut, frosted, fruity, and yogurt covered.  General Mills knows that even though they are all different on the outside, on the inside they are all the same...just like people.

I think the next Cheerios commercial should show someone pouring the plain Cheerios and the chocolate Cheerios in the same bowl....scandalous.


  1. Anonymous6/01/2013

    You go Girl! What I got out of that commercial was "what an adorable little girl" !
    Keep up the good work,
    Aunt HArley; aka Mom # II

    1. Glad you liked it, Aunt Harley. Good to see you and your "kids" yesterday. I think Bobby and me need to kareoke some Cher together! Love you!

  2. What an adorable ad and I can totally see my daughter doing this :) And a HUGE round of applaud to you for presenting it so simply and beautifully and yet conveying a very strong message.

    Keep writing.. its good to have u back blogging.

  3. Mrs. Tucker: It has now been 16 days since we have heard from. That is far too long for your readers to go without another one of your humorous, thoughtful and insightful blog posts. You have us hooked, so please give us a fix.

    1. Your wish is my command. Today's blog has been posted.
