Thursday, January 10, 2013

These are a Few of My Secret Favorite Things...

Today I feel better than I have in weeks.  (I'll go into my recent health problems at a later blog.  Sometimes it makes me cranky to talk about it.)  I have felt a few degrees below crappy for weeks now, so I forgot how it was to want to get things done.  I didn't say I did a lot of fun things, but I did laundry, errands, picked up kids from school, ran by the post office, and even went through dresser drawers getting rid of clothes that do not fit anyone anymore.  After making tomato soup and a grilled cheese sandwich for lunch, I put the hot skillet in the sink and turned on the water.  Pppsssshhhhh.......(I think that is how you spell that sound).  So, that made me think of those weird, unique things we all, "like," for one reason or another.  I am NOT talking about freaky fetishes, so please do not tell me things that my brain will pray to be lobotomized out with an ice cream scooper.  Here are some of my things:
  1. The sound of that hot pan in water
  2. The smell of plain Chapstick (reminds me of my dad)
  3. The smell of Play Do (Fuzzy Pumper Barbershop was soooooo cool)
  4. The feel of my dog's ears (o.k., all dog ears)
  5. The word, "coquillage," in French which means, "sea shell"
  6. The way my kids smell when they are wearing sunscreen
  7. The way fog makes everything familiar look mysterious
  8. The taste of plain brown sugar (I will put an entire spoonful in my mouth when no one is looking)
  9. Tom Selleck - doesn't matter how old he gets
  10. The sound of the entire, "Bat out of Hell," album by Meat Loaf
Some of these are a bit different; I am completely fine with it.  They are my things, and I know we all have a list of them.  Everyone has personal preferences about most aspects of life (except for people who I refer to as, "chameleons," who change what they like to match what everyone around them likes).  Look around, and see if you can search out one of your secret favorite things today.

Meanwhile, I am going to try to figure out how to roll Tom Selleck in brown sugar on a foggy day while Meat Loaf sings, "Two Out of Three Ain't Bad."

1 comment:

  1. "You took the words right outta my mouth"...

    I think a lot of us fellas admire Selleck's rugged good looks. My favorite Selleck flick is his remake of Tom Horn.

    I will add some of my own...
    - the thrill one gets when the house lights go down at the movie theater and you know that the movie will soon begin
    - the feel of a hot mug of coffee/tea on cold hands
    - going to the post and finding an unexpected parcel
    - the feeling you get when putting on a new pair of sneakers for the first time and feeling 5 all over again.
